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9D Kundalini Activation Training

9 days of transformative experience learning to work with kundalini energy, the divine Source of the whole creation.

<Training is in English, personal support from native speakers in Spanish and Russian>

  • Time for workshops on the weekends (June 8th, 9th, 15th & 16th): 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST Online from Miami

  • 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in-person from The Woodlands TX. at Zen Holistic 438 Sawdust Rd, Spring, TX 77380

  • Workshops will happen in person on Saturday & Sunday and during the week online via Zoom

  • In the first two workshops (June 8th & 9th) we'll be talking about the nature of kundalini energy, connecting to the Source, and receiving/providing the sessions within the group

  • 5 days of supported practice to facilitate kundalini energy sessions in between (June 10th-14th, flexible schedule via Zoom) 

  • In the last two workshops (June 15th & 16th) we'll be talking about harnessing the kundalini energy and bringing your gift of working with kundalini for yourself and your clients in life: health, business,  relationships, etc.

  • Every student will have a chance to practice to facilitate sessions one-on-one and in groups


  • A state of freedom, lightness, and expansion

  • Learning to work with life force energy increases the depth of your life in all spheres as you start seeing/feeling beyond the veil

  • It helps you to learn how to Create your life consciously, attracting the abundance you truly desire

  • Abundance in health, wealth, love, relationship - we'll cover it all

  • A certificate of completion on becoming a Kundalini Energy Master

Teachings in the Kundalini Activation Training (June 8-16)

This 9-day course is perfect for people who feel the Energy and are seeking answers on how to navigate that invisible world, and open up the gift of working with Energy for yourself and others:

  • What is kundalini, the nature of the energy

  • Connecting to the Source / Absolute / Universe / God - you can ONLY experience that to Remember it

  • Quantum physics and anatomy of the processes, when working with Kundalini

  • Kundalini awakening into Oneness

  • Kundalini energy sessions facilitation - you'll learn how to lead a session

  • Energetic, magnetic, and action-based self-expression to attract clients you want to work with

  • Several intense Kundalini activation sessions

  • Many personal insights, and a new quality of life after the course as a result

  •  Cultivate transformation with our online group training, harnessing the power of Kundalini energy, and experience a profound shift in your life

9 days of a life-changing experience with Tatiana Flow & Ana Garcia

Personal Touch and Energy Transmission for every participant

Online worldwide (zoom) - $2,900

In-person in Rhe Woodlands Tx at Zen Holistic - $3,300

If you bring 5 clients with you, the training is FREE for you

March 16

The Power Within Workshop

February 12

Waves of Love Yoga Retreat