There are different types of love that we experience throughout life when we come into this human experience to discover ourselves. One type of love that we must encounter is the one that breaks us and makes us go deep into darkness to find our light.
Karmic love is a contract with another soul that we agreed to experience before entering this incarnation. That person becomes the catalyst of inner growth and evolution, the karmic love functions as a mirror of our shadow, and since the start, we notice the red flags but we keep going as if we were blind because it’s part of the journey of living this experience to break a cycle of patterns that sometimes we carry even from past lives.
The irony of this love is that it will start with sparks and fireworks at a soul level, it will trigger some kind of addiction to the feelings you awake for this person, it is like a love bomb that eventually will explode and not with joy. This person is meant to teach you that love sometimes isn’t meant to last and we need to choose ourselves above all others.
This love is just a teacher that you must let go of once you learned the lesson, and it will be something you need to heal within to move on and find your true love, the one that just feels right.
Karmic love is the hardest to get over because it rips your heart in pieces and while you are cleaning the mess you think you will never experience love again in the same form, and you will not because that is not what you are here for, you are here to discover that love comes in different forms and when you touch bottom you don’t want to go back down again, there will be someone meeting you halfway to get your hand to the surface and breathe life again, a fresh beautiful air that allows you to float and watch the endless sky without fear of sinking.