This letter is for you

Hi, I know you are here reading for a reason, maybe it’s wanting validation of something, maybe it is just curiosity, or you need a sign, whatever it is you already know the answer… just can’t accept it yet, and that is fine, no pressure or timeline requires you to be or do that right now. TAKE YOUR TIME.

This letter is for you and always has been, it is written and edited at the very moment you are reading this and it will keep changing and adding stuff every second, the way you read it and interpret it is up to you. Is this a love letter?… I don’t know, is this a motivational letter?… I don’t know, is this a spiritual letter? also don’t know.

These are just words that make no sense, like life itself, nothing will ever make sense to anyone else but YOU and that is the only thing that matters in the significance of this letter. What matters to you? What were you expecting to be this letter about?

Love :)
